Class 231 Meets with Worlds most Pre-eminent Astrophysicist

On this 20th day of May in the year 2009, Class 231 took a field trip to the Hayden Planetarium and conducted a seminar with Planetarium Director, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Dr. Tyson answered sharp questions from students and there was an engaging hour-long discussion on topics from How big is the universe? How does the sun make energy? and How heavy is the Earth's atmosphere?

Dr. Tyson also let us touch and (try to hold) a 4 billion-year-old fragment from an asteroid that landed in the Arizona desert about 20 thousand years ago.

Dr. Tyson also gave us a list of vocabulary words which Ms. Cee recorded. Wouldn't be amazing if we could illustrate some of these words and show them to Dr. Tyson!!!

We will never forget this day!!!!

(Dr. Tyson gave us verbal permission to put this photo of him and our class on our blog)

Aeriel View of New York

Look at this awesome aerial photo of New York.
Jeshaun says, "This is so hot, you do not want to miss this and if you do, that's on you."

Jamaal says, "hahahahhahaha"

Aerial Virtual Tour of New York

Visit 211 MSIG Team

All hail President Nicole!!!

Hopefully President Nicole will be a kind and noble leader. She is always willing to help and cemented her bid for presidency with this ground breaking re-enactment of the Gettysburg address as persevered in digital posterity by Mr. Feldman

Comic Creator 2.0 from ReadWriteThink

It's Monday!

1) Did you get to do something awesome on Sunday? It was really nice out. I'm definitely thinking about a lot of field trips in some of our futures.



Obama v Praze

A shout out to Ms. G

she's going to have to help us translate this live stream of an Albanian tv network

Obama in Strasbourg

It's a roller coaster, but it's not a roller coaster

links for dept meeting

1. Natinonal Library of Virtual Manipulatives (hosted by Utah State University)

2. Prezi - Next Level Web-based Presentation Software
**You have to sign up, but it's free (or at least it used to be!)

Tuesday Link Round-Up

Here are the most requested links from Tuesday:

1) Fly Guy - A fun, silly, short flash game (you'll get sick of it after 10 mins)

2) Dino Race - Can you survive???

3) The mortal combat sounds guy - There's no link to this yet because I'm worried that one of the sounds may be inappropriate. I will try to re-record the sounds w/o the inappropriate one. Look for it next week. (or you could google...)


Three really cool things about this game:
1) it's free
2) graphics are really good
3) it's pretty simple once you get the hang of it (it takes about 10 minutes to figure out how to play it.... and get hooked!)

really cool art application has a cool interactive kaleidoscope creator. It's a really neat way to explore patterns and figure out how a kaleidoscope works (maybe?)!

What if surfing the Internet was a game?

The Passively Multiplayer Online Game (phew!) lets you earn points for completing searches and locating information online. You can go on quests and have friends and enemies. Seems like a lot of fun...

Michael Jordan enters the arena and let's out a mighty roar!!

The website twtpets allows you to upload a picture of your pet and let people vote on whether it's cuter than other pets (but all pets are cute).

I was thrilled to see that Michael Jordan has won 24 out of 34 battles! Let's see, 24/34 is 0.706

That's would be 71% Congrats little guy!!

I told him the good news but all he wanted to know was why he had lost 8 battles. And what was with the 2 undecideds? Pick a side! He protested this loudly in the form of a disgruntled meow and then rolled over and licked himself.

really cool text graphic generator

  .,-:::::   :::      :::.     .::::::.  .::::::.     .:::.  .::.    :.
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[[[ [[[ ,[[ '[[, '[==/[[[[,'[==/[[[[, '' ,[[' .n[[ [[
$$$ $$' c$$$cc$$$c ''' $ ''' $ .c$$P' `"$$$. $$
`88bo,__,o, o88oo,.__888 888,88b dP 88b dP d88 _,oo, ,o888" 88

you can make cool graphics at this website. Have fun!
.__ .__
_____ _______ | | __ __ _______ |__| ____
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\/ \/

****!!!!20 points if anyone knows what .de
means and what country the website is from!!!****

This is why you need to try hard...

Check out this graphic and think about what Obama (and Holder) challenged your generation to do.

I found out why they call Dwight Howard Superman...

What's a twenty-twenty?

Dwight Howard, Superman Dunk video highlights.

Running Game High Scores


Bug 2.......................Nicole.......................1 min 48 sec


Filler.................Mr. Lurie.............................55,832 Proof!

I bet we could take screenshots of the scores for verification purposes a la King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.

Filler: A physics game

This game can now be played on our blog! The magic of embedding html! Scroll down and enjoy!

Coordinate Geometry Homework

Use a coordinate plane to plot the points. Then connect the points to create a picture.

The link for the directions is here. Just click on the drawing you want to make and it will take you to the directions for that picture. You can also see examples of completed student work.

If you need more graph paper, here is what I used.

Because Jamaal wanted to play this...

If you want to play this game it's really fun, and the school hasn't blocked it...yet

The game is easy, the ending is the real pay-off. Be careful, the word "damn" is in it.!

UPDATE!!!! (2/26)
It looks like no one can access this from computers outside our beloved room 229. They also moved the game to a new site.... Stay tuned for more soon!

your attorney general, top cop Eric Holder

The head of the United States Department of Justice, Eric Holder, delivered a speech last Wednesday about African-American History Month.

In his speech, secretary Holder challenged Americans to talk to each other about race. Here are some quotes from his speech:
"One cannot truly understand America without understanding the historical experience of black people in this nation...

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards...

It is also clear that if we are to better understand one another the study of black history is essential because the history of black America and the history of this nation are inextricably tied to each other."

How can you contribute to a more responsible conversation about race in America?

You can view the speech here.

new security measures...?

congratulations, you live in the future

what's cooler than a smartboard?


it's a sensor network interface!

the emancipation

Cartoonist Thomas Nast (1863)

Math Games Links

Since people seem to like the Sum Sense Games, here are the links to the different games you can play:

Sum Sense Addition

Sum Sense Subtraction

Sum Sense Multiplication

Sum Sense Division

And if you want to compete against other people online, you can play one of these:

Jet Ski Addition

Island Chase Subtraction

Multiplication Grand Prix

Drag Race Division

Remember that the Ice Cream Sundae Party is next Friday, so practice your multiplication facts!!!


Mr. L