Wednesday Shout-out

A shout-out to Keith for his hard work and deep concentration during Wednesday's math lesson. Simplifying fractions turned out to be just that for Keith, simple! Keith is on his way to becoming a fraction master. Keep it up!


Welcome to the 2008-2009 edition of Mr. Lurie's blog! Here you will find all of the updated information on the goings on of class 231. There are a few old posts from Naquan and Tynashia which will stay up in honor of Class 232 from last year.

I was thinking about creating a separate site to list our homework assignments, but might decide to put them here (if you write down your homework every afternoon then this will not be an issue!).

Once you have a google account and return a permission slip with parent approval, you will be able to post comments (which will be moderated by me!).

Happy Reading!